Backend Engineer

Description du poste:


HockeyStack is an analytics and attribution tool for B2B SaaS. It collects and helps analyze data from all parts of the SaaS customer journey - marketing, sales, and product engagement. Our goal is to make tracking and gaining insights from all this data easier and faster.

We launched the final iteration of the product last year. We are now scaling our product and building out new features.

Technical Expectations

As a backend-focused engineer, you will mostly be:

  • Building or updating integrations with third-party data sources (like CRMs and ad networks) using their public API
  • Refactor parts of our backend code for accessibility and scalability

It’s good to have some or all of:

  • SQL knowledge to update current queries or write new queries for feature support and performance optimization
  • AWS experience to optimize our usage and carry out infrastructure-related tasks

Our backend is built upon Node.js and Express so you need to be very comfortable with Javascript.

The gist of this position is how good you are with reading through third-party APIs, handling and transforming large datasets with performance and scalability in mind, as well as the quality of the code you write.

Non-technical Expectations

Excellent communication skills (English) is a must.

We aren’t looking for someone with 20 years of experience, we are looking for smart people who are up for a challenge.

You should have experience with at least a CRM, an analytics tool, or a MarTech tool of some kind.

Your ideas will set the course of the product, so you should have some context on this industry beforehand.

This also means that your role within the company is bound to grow and gain importance over time.

Why HockeyStack?

The company is very young for where we want to be, but although this may scare some people off, we believe that this is a tremendous opportunity to actually build something greater than us. We have the fastest team in our market right now and we want to keep it that way. We are already becoming a market leader in the attribution space, but we need more teammates (aka you) for our more ambitious goals.

Please mention the word **STIRRINGLY** and tag RMzQuMTQ1LjIyMC41NQ== when applying to show you read the job post completely (#RMzQuMTQ1LjIyMC41NQ==). This is a beta feature to avoid spam applicants. Companies can search these words to find applicants that read this and see they're human.

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