Senior Software Engineer (Go) - Gloo Mesh

Description du poste:


Hi, I'm Neeraj Poddar, Head of Engineering at Solo,

I'm looking for a BackendSoftware Engineer to join our Gloo Mesh team, working on a best-in-class service-mesh to simplify the journey to adopting and scaling cloud-native applications. Gloo Mesh serves hundreds of enterprise customers running extremely large production environments, consisting of hundreds of Kubernetes clusters across multiple locations, with hundreds of million transactions per day, thousands of internal APIs, and large and diverse development teams. To build this, we leverage Istio and are currently the top open source contributor.

We are looking for individuals who are self driven, have a high capacity for growth and are eager to learn and make an impact in the cloud infrastructure space. Prior experience in this space is not a hard requirement, but a passion for learning is.

How you will make an impact:

  • Develop clean, high performing, scalable code running in a distributed containerized environment

  • Work with the latest cloud and container technologies like Kubernetes, Envoy, Istio, eBPF, Cilium and more.

  • Utilize customer feedback in order to promote adoption and simplify usability of complex technology.

  • Growing your stature in the open source communities and becoming maintainers and leaders in the open source communities.

  • Implement features in upstream needed by our customers or Gloo product, or fix upstream issues raised by the Gloo product team or customers.

What You Bring to the Table

  • Passionate about distributed systems, APIs, cloud computing and scalability.

  • 5+ years of software engineering experience (preferably Golang in a microservice architecture)

  • 5+ years of experience building server side software in production and recognizes the challenges, complexities and tradeoffs to be made when building and deploying new systems to production.

  • Experience with system management and container technologies, such as Docker, Kubernetes

  • Is a team player. Collaborates with the team to build, review and help design high quality code, while also demonstrating a high degree of ownership and autonomy.

  • Is passionate about working with new technology to help modernize customers' infrastructure while simplifying its adoption.

  • Is thoughtful about user experience.

How to stand out (Not Required):

  • Prior experience building service mesh systems

  • Experience in open source contribution

  • Familiarity with Istio, Envoy, Cilium, eBPF

Who we are

Solo enables companies to Connect, Secure and Observe modern applications - APIs, Microservices and Data - with the industry's leading API and Service Mesh Management Platform (Gloo). Solo innovations allow companies to stay on the leading edge of both technology and business possibilities.

Solo is a VC-backed company, founded in 2017 by Idit Levine. In 2021, Solo was valued at $1B. Solo's customers are some of the largest in the world, spanning all geographies and industries. Solo's team has deep expertise in Cloud Computing, Linux, Containers, Kubernetes, Service Mesh, APIs, Security, Microservice Applications, Application Modernization, GraphQL, and eBPF.

Solo works collaboratively with our customers, partners and open source communities to deliver technology innovation, technology solutions, architectural best-practices, and hands-on education. Solo uses a unique engagement model with our customers that allows us to quickly make them successful, and continue to work closely with them as their production environments grow.

What you'll love about Solo.

At Solo, our culture is all about hiring great people, creating a fun and fast-paced work culture, and letting our teams work with our customers to successfully solve their challenges.

As a Software Engineer, you'll be right at the intersection of cloud computing, open source software, and cloud-native applications. You'll work with the people that are shaping the future of technology standards, and your work will be used by millions of people on a daily basis. You'll have the ability to work with great engineers, and be challenged to think about problems in new ways. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Originally posted on Himalayas

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